Seven thunders roar

2012 m. rugpjūčio 8 d., trečiadienis

New things are old things

You find something good by surprise, always, couse if you want to get some good new shit in your head you try to do that quick and anything that has a bit of goodness can easily get a part of you ( I thing this is how commercials work).
Old good things disapear, new things stay for a bit until they get old and also disapears. This is a story of my. I can't find myself. I've been looking for this for a really long time. In the past I used to think that it's impossible not to find yourself, not to understand yourself.. But here I am - standing on my own old minds, convincing myself that I was wrong. I'm on that crossroad, in the middle of a desert of Nevada and thinking which way to go - the previous one or to be something or someone on the other road, or  turn in different way that haven't been examined or tried. Live for yourself or live for someone else. My main feel of this time is shame. Shame on me and 'persons' I was before. I want to kill them. They're sick. And thanks god he gave me enough brain to understand, to stop just in time. Well, almost.