2013 m. gruodžio 17 d., antradienis
What have you prepared for me now?
I remember when I was still in my country I used to daydreaming about lots of adventures and traveling... I was living it in my subtle world. Then I planed a trip here where I am now. Ok.. That was not a surprise at all because I knew I was going. So I had no big shock at all. But that was an easy beginning of my adventures...
What was the first one... Ok. I came here and I was continueing my holiday time. I spenrt approx three weeks with my friend. Then a good person helped me to find the job. There I met an awesome much older person. We are now very good friends. It was her shift when I first came. Five in the morning... She was teaching me a new job. Then she was giving me a lift and I started talking about these things such energies and stuff.. And she saw my pentagram necklace. And after we arrived she told me: I don't know.. I just feel like I trust you. And I also trusted her. That's how it worked. Since then she helped me a lot with many things.
After some time other person suggested me to buy his car. That's what I did. Spontaniously bought a car. It was a good car. A black car. Her name was The Black Rainbow. I liked it. We were like one. But one morning after work the snow decided to melt because of the temperature and I ended up outside the road upside down. How everything happened is a different story. Only thing I can tell is that few seconds before I starded slipping I knew that this would happen. And like two seconds later a car stopped and helped me. OIn this time of the day on that road goes approximately one car in an hour. And here it is... The universe gave me the best from the worse. And I'm thankful for that. After that accident I didn't have any time to get into stress or shock or anything.. Just a calm person.. Just suggested help. Was I hurt? No... Even no scratch. After few days I took that car from 'emergency center' and drove it home. Yes, that beast was still alive. And the very moment when I very needed a car I still had it. More or less making sounds while driving I could move from one place to another.
Then the moment to deliver the car to junk yard came and I had to do it. Because fixing it here... Is pointless. People take anormous amounts of money of doing stuff and you cannot be sure if did their work professionaly. So you are suppised to throw a good little broken thing out and buy a new one. Yes.. BUY MORE. BUY. So then I decided to buy a new car. Feeling the lack of money I did it. But money does not bring me hapiness. They come they go. Ok, I do not mind. I just need them for food and electricity. No more. And the day after I've bought a car... My boss told me that from next year, from january me and 5 other colleagues will not have anything to do there for more than two moths. What are we supposed to do now? He has no ideas.
The day before I had a little breakdown as you can see in a previous post. And hi there, a change came. The Universe gave me a puzzle that I have to solve. Whether I want it or not. I need to solve it. Unless... I don't know. I was thinking that during this time while I was working in this place I had my lesson to be tought. Maybe I'm done with this chapter and another awaits? Another adventure? Another experience?
And then I started smiling.. After I figured out this thing. Than I was amazingly happy for this to happen. I'm even waiting for january just to see what I will figure out. What I will do. I'm getting excited for a new thing to happen. I'm getting my energy back. It's a difficult thing to do but I'm still learning.
Unfortunatelly... I think that one thing is only magical. And I can only have it in my subtle world of feelings. I feel that it would never come to the world of senses. I hope I'm very wrong.
2013 m. gruodžio 14 d., šeštadienis
Take me to the Sun
2013 m. spalio 7 d., pirmadienis
The truth
~Jules Evans, 'Filosofija kasdienai ir kitiems pavojingiems gyvenimo atvejams', 2013.
2013 m. spalio 5 d., šeštadienis
Something is comming up
To tusen og femten.
Yes, hm.
- Chill
- Europe
- Beaches
- Many discoveries
- Stressless (about society and stuff)
- A lot of new friends
- Long
- Loud
- Beautiful
- Teaching
- Clothes? Well, yeah, but not much attention for it.
- HD
- Free
- Places
- People
- Buildings
- History
- ... hopefully comming soon.
- Torches
- Candles
- A little HD camera (for making daily videos)
- Outside chairs
- Blankets
- Stuff for making an outside fire
- Showering stuff
- Paper, pens, pencils
- Computer
- A paper map
- Kitchen stuff
- Music
- Board games
- Plastic roof or something like that
2013 m. liepos 28 d., sekmadienis
2013 m. liepos 17 d., trečiadienis
Refreshing summer
This summer is like cold water to inner me and it feels so refreshing.. It washes all of the dirt that has been on me for a long time. The dirt of nonsense and stupidity.
Devilstone Fest was something that other people could envy us for. Seas of whiskey and loads of new friends. I could talk about every person that I've met there non-stop... Simply intelligent, wise and free people.
Randomly remembered things that cannot be transformed into a normal text...
• Lauri and Joona from Finland. Two little bastards. So many things we had in common.. Joona's jacket with QOTSA, his whiskey, voice of Vile Vallo and.. Truckfighters! Lauri's stories about traveling and another meet in my city. And finaly, after long sleepless nights, I can say Joona's name correctly! Credits to Lauri. ;)
• How could I ever forget the guy from Germany... Marius was his name-o. His cute face and two 'grandchildren'... The poverty has made him to sleep on the bench in the rain and to borrow some money from Lauri and Joona. Well, word 'poverty' was a joke. Wet night was caused by stuff that have been happening in his tent... So yeah, he wasn't that poor, he had a tent and had some money on his credit card BUT. But bank didn't want him to have them in his pocket... He also draws awesomely. And has remarkable skills of rolling joints! His last night stories about his trips and having fun inspired me and my other new friend to do much more than we had thought we could do...
• Nice hotel where bands have stayed and showers in it... Aaaaaghr, that feel when you live in a tent and wake up feeling even worse than homeless person and you can drive to a hotel and have a shower for only 4 lits...
• Waiting for Odeta in a parking lot next to a hotel. And my first time exploring the fish eye lense. Results shall come to Lauri's web album pretty soon I hope!
• Stoned Jesus concert... Oh, the performance was something that you couldn't forget that easy even if you tried hard. By he time we came to the concert, we felt the smell of great thing that use most people who likes desert rock. So we decided to follow this aroma and it didn't take too long to find potential users of green stuff... Still, we enjoyed observing them and, of course, the music. [I'm the mountain, Bright like the morning, Black woods....] Moving to the rhythm with our eyes closed.
• Crazy nun, the reaper deep in a forest and a black guy in white that I touched his face and put some point from there on my cheek. Oh, and a chicken Peter Griffin.
• Breakfast in bed, mothafucka!! Pagis, our new friend woke us up with 2 chocolate bars and some pomegranate juice. There also were few candidates in waking us up, but Pagis showed the class.
• Smuggling, bwhahaha!
2013 m. balandžio 30 d., antradienis
Ar aš viską padariau blogai? Ar tu padarei viską blogai? Tu liepi atsiprašyti, bet nesi auka. Išsiaiškinau, jog esu auka ir vien dėl to tu save tokia laikai? Tai nėra racionalu, nes tvirčiausias yra paskutinis žingsnis. Jis lemia viską. Ir reiškia viską.
Bet tavo bukumas... Ir kaip tu, galingasis ir garbingasis, mylimas ir protingas vyre, sugebėjai parkristi prieš tokią menką būtybę... Kai tavo atžala sugeba sutriuškinti savo protų tą niekingą būtybę, o ji, iš durnumo besiraičiodama dar bando kažką pasakyti.. Tik gaila, kad nebesigirdi jos mielo ir švelnaus balselio. Gal ta didi būtybė supras..? Nors.. Jei per tiek metų nesuprato. Kodėl geros mintys tik dabar turėtų ateiti? Aha, tikrai..
Beveik susitaikiau su naujomis mintimis. Jos jau gyvena su manim, aš vos ne su jomis. Gal taip bus geriau? Gal tai turi būti, gal ši gyvenimo linija būtent ten veda? Per daug ramiai jau išbuvau. Sukrėtimai visai naudingi. Viską iškuičia, iškuičia, suverčia aukštyn kojom, paskui bent jau turiu ką veikti, kol tvarkysiuosi.. Ha, sugalvojau. Gal netvarkyt? Paliksiu viską taip. Dabar visai gerai. Pailsėsiu, galvos nebeskaudės, pasigėrėsiu gamta, o visa kita lai būna many kaip buvę. Juk sveikas protas užkonservuotas tupi ramiai sau kamputy, kai reikės, panaudosiu.
2013 m. sausio 18 d., penktadienis
Manęs nėra
2013 m. sausio 12 d., šeštadienis
Emptyness and all of the thing feels the same
Emptyness and all of te things feels the same. Everything and nothing.
''You say you've found your way but does it lead to the light?''
''Some feels the pain in a chest, is it possible to be a heart?''
(Some lines from that song)
Few moments of happiness. When they end they remind me that I'm still alive and can still feel. My way is not related with that feel, that good feel of happiness.
People say I'm pure evil, I'm angry and mad all of the time. I can't deny. When here's nothing that brings me joy...