Seven thunders roar

2014 m. sausio 2 d., ketvirtadienis

New year, belongings, spanish and geography

This life cannot be lived without marks. I want a lot to tell and a lot to experience. This wish comes to feelings and they come to emotions. Then emotions become actions and eventually it happens.
I want to be useful on Earth. I want to do a lot of things and see everything that is worth to be seen. I want to get rid of things I don't need. I want to have everything I need in one backpack. Can you imagine how much weight would fall off from your back? It would be much easier to manage everything. Only one backpack. Going wherever you want with all your stuff.
It's not difficult for me to move from one place to another because everything I have can easily be put in a car. And it's still too much...

Conclusion: Need to learn how to live with less things. In comparison with some people I have only few belongings. And it's still too much. GET RID OF THINGS I DON'T USE. And learn to use as less as possible.

I want to be useful and do things that would mean something or would help for someone. I can work in a campany and fill pockets for my boss. But not for a long time. I don't work only for money to myself. I want that energy I put on my work to go to the right place and would stay there for a good reason. And it does not matter how much I would earn.. Does not matter at all. I'm still rich. Rich of love. I love being in the mountains, looking at the Sun, meeting people and breathing fresh air. Does that cost anything? No! So why do I need lots of money again..? And put all of my energy to have a lot? But don't use it? That's the question I've been struggling on. But not anymore. I'm totally good.

Conclusion: Have a job you love doing. Work where you love doing that. Does not matter if salary is poor as long as it's enough to cover system's requirements and pay for some food. And for a roof if you really need to have one.

Another thing I've been on to lately is... Geography. I think I've finally found my thing. Wanna know more about processes that cannot be avoided. And science about the Earth seems so real and cannot be wrong because it can be easily proved. It's like getting to know your house better, knowing rooms you can go to and getting know it's habitants - your house mates.

Conclusion: Not really a conclusion, just consideration. Studying geography. Somewhere where it's warm and nice. Coldness me no likey.

And in the near future.. to learn spanish. After I'm done with norwegian...
Tusen takk for i dag, vi snakkes.. noen gang.

Oh yes and since it's a new year.. I think it's good to start it with that kind of thoughts. AMIRITE?