Seven thunders roar

2012 m. gegužės 28 d., pirmadienis

Hello. Goodbye. What is between them? Hellye?

That waiting, that solicitude.. Cmoon, does it need to take that long? Why..? What is happening? 
But ok. I'm getting full of patience. I'm becoming patient, yes. 
Hm.. What di I do when I wait? I do all the stuff that I had planned times ago. Here I am..

The storm was chasing and I was on a trip. It was quite wet but interesting. Not becouse of object we visited, but stuff that was happening in my head. First, I had a camera. Second, We were traveling ( I love traveling. You know.). Imagination - that was the third. Yeah, we were traveling over our country, but I was somewhere else. I was far away actually. Music and picture taking took me there, somewhere. Oh, the power of imaginaton and music.. It is so strong that I can't even. And a thing that I didn't like about the trip was people that I was traveling with. Oh well... I'd rather travel in my minds.

Save me, save me, 
From the darkest thoughts in my head
Hold me, hold me, 
Till everyone's on this Earth is dead..

Covered by blood snow is melting again
And my heart is again pierced with pain.

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